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Dr. Goren's Curriculum Vitae

(short version CV)

Born in Romania and conversing in six languages (Romanian, Hungarian, German, French, and Hebrew besides of course English), Dr. Goren started his medical studies in his native Romania, at the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, where he received an excellent educations for the first 4 1/2 years out of the total curriculum of six years. He is, however, a graduate of Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem class of 1963. After a full year of a rotating Internship, two years of Internal Medicine residency and six years of a General Surgery residency, he receives his Israeli General Surgical Specialty Board Certification in 1972. 

The Victor Babes Medical School Timisoara, Romania.

In the US he specializes in organ transplantation spending one year as a transplant research fellow at the University of Minnesota (1973-74) and two years as a clinical fellow in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California (USC) Medical Center (1981-83). Not willing to leave LA and relocate to pursue a career in transplantation, Dr. Goren opens in 1984 his private practice dedicated to vein disorders namely their diagnosis and ONLY office treatment having in mind cost efficiency and of course excellence in results.


After several years of less than satisfactory outcome with injection sclerotherapy for the large truncal varicose veins, Dr. Goren reverted, by end of the eighties, to surgery, however, using the novel European minimally invasive protocol for removal of veins that only required a  1-3 mm skin openings enough to accommodate specially designed mini-instruments basically resembling a crochet hook. 

The only people to laugh at, are those who can't laugh... at themselves...

The procedure, Ambulatory Phlebectomy, was already introduced in 1966 by a Swiss dermatologist Dr. Muller permitting total replacement of post operative trauma and scaring associated with the large /generous skin openings used in traditional stripping.


Dr. Goren traveled during the years and visited colleagues in the UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, who already used this novel less invasive protocol however still performed in a hospital setting and general anesthesia. In 1993 while visiting Switzerland Dr. Goren is exposed to the advantages of Dr. Oesch’s novel approach namely the minimally invasive invaginated (peel out) form of removal of the main axial (Saphenous) veins of the legs ("PINstriping") that has completely eliminated the surgical trauma associated with the traditional dreaded and old-fashioned stripping. 

Hadassah Medical School Jerusalem

The method, a minimally invasive approach for removing varicose veins is comparable to another minimally invasive approach, also  introduced for the first time in Europe: the laparoscopic approach for removing a diseased gallbladder, a method that needs only three small incisions enough to accommodate small instruments instead of "slicing up" the patients and manually removing the diseased organ. Recovery became close to immediate, and hospitalization was reduced from days to basically hours. The minimally invasive revolution took over the entire field of surgery and represent today the main approach in many other medical conditions requiring surgical intervention.


After several years of practice and exceptional results, Dr. Goren is first to write up ( with USC's Prof. Albert Yellin)  in the American Surgical literature this novel minimally invasive surgical protocol for varicose veins, uniquely performed by him in an office setting and local anesthesia. By eliminating the expensive in-hospital (setup) fees, the fees for general anesthesia, eliminating the need for convalescence and thus eliminating loss of income too, the procedure’s exceptional cost efficiency has to be obvious to all.

Ever since the early nineties to present DR. Goren performs well over 4000 surgeries of the kind in his office and local anesthesia with exceptional functional and cosmetic results and with no complications worth writing about. This is the reason he never experimented (and never will) with the high tech endovenous thermal ablation (by RF current or lasers) as he had ample time to witness - not just - the cosmetic failure of this approach. Indeed, he did not want to expose his patients to an array of possible severe complications associated with the high tech approaches such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and the potentially lethal pulmonary emboli (PE). Just recently it was published that a patient after laser thermal ablation had to have open heart surgery as a piece of the endovenous probe, meant to deliver the high temperature broke loose and got stuck in the patient right heart causing severe rhythm disturbances. All these are considered by Dr. Goren as potentially excessive complications for basically a cosmetic condition, varicose veins are.


Besides his main four major articles on the subject with the same Dr. Yellin of USC (1-4) – all a first in the American Surgical literature, Dr. Goren has a total of 23 venous and 10 general surgical publications (for a total of 33 career publications).


Moreover, over 12 years (from 1988 to 2000) he shared - through his Annual Clinical and hands-on Workshops - his experience with a total 652 American Board Certified surgeons from across the US, workshops he held in his office during those 12 years.


Dr. Oesch, the father of the minimally Invasive Pinstriping, visiting my office in the late nineties


Workshop participants 1996

While mainly known for his skills in the field of varicose veins, Dr. Goren is obviously treating a variety of superficial cosmetic vein problems such as spider veins on the leg, unwanted temple veins ( both conditions by injection sclerotherapy), spider veins on the face (by laser) as well as the unwanted bulging hand veins (mature women dislike so much) by "RejuvaHands TM" also a minimally invasive hook phlebectomy as for varicose veins and similarly performed in local anesthesia. As they say "reaching maturity is inevitable, showing it is ...optional".


Dr. Goren a widower, fathered 4 children, is a former competitive swimmer who still swims at least 3 times a week in addition to being a daily gym-goer as well. He loves classical music ( concerts/opera) and plays the classical piano.

  1. Goren, G., Yellin, A.E. Surgery for truncal varicose veins: the ambulatory stab  avulsion phlebectomy.

  2. Am J Surg 1991; 162:166-74 also published in Year Book of Surgery 1993:385-87

  3. Goren, G., Yellin A.E. Invaginated axial stripping and stab avulsion phlebectomy: a definite outpatient procedure for varicose veins.

  4. J Vasc Surg 1994; 20:970-77

  5. Goren, G., Yellin, A.E. Invaginated axial saphenectomy by a semirigid stripper: PIN stripping.​

  6. Amb. Surg 1994; 1: 27-35

  7. Goren, G., Yellin, A.E. Minimally invasive surgery for primary varicose veins: limited Invaginated axial stripping and tributary (hook) stab avulsion.

  8. Ann Vasc Surg 1995; 9:401-14 also fully translated in the French and Spanish surgical literature.

  9. Goren, G. Yellin AE. Hemodynamic principles of varicose vein therapy.

  10. Derm. Surg. 1996; 22:657-60

Dr. Gabirel Goren Honorable Mention HeathTap



  1. Goren, G. Arteriosclerotic occlusive disease of the lower extremities in patients 20- 40 years of age.
    M.D. thesis. Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, 1966

  2. Goren, G., Berke, G., Urca, I. Localization of 51 Cr-labeled sensitized lymphocytes at the allograft region: a possible test in organ transplantation.
    Surgery 1972; 71:513-21. Also published in Year Book of Surgery 1973

  3. Goren, G., Zelikowski, A., Abu-Dalu, j., Urca, I. Leiomyoma of the Jejunum as the cause of an acute abdominal condition: Report of a case.
    Dis. Col. & Rectum 1975; 17:782-85

  4. Mauer, S.M., Lee, C.S., Goren, G., Sutherland, D.E.R., Howard. R.J., Hoyer, J.R., Michael, A.F. Inability of the lymphocytes to induce glomerular injury.
    Transplantation Proceedings 1975; 7:315-20

  5. Williams , L.E., Merino, G.E., Goren, G., Najarian. J.S., Loken, M.K., Detection of canine allograft rejection with 51Cr-labeled lymphocytes.
    Radiology 1975; 115:205-06

  6. Abramovici, A., Goren, G., Gassner, S., Urca, I., Liban, E. Pathophysiological aspects of experimental fat necrosis and its relation to acute pancreatic necrosis.
    Harefuah 1976; 91: 209-13

  7. Zelikowski, A., Goren, G., Kott, I., Urca, I. Sudden ischemic blue toe syndrome.
    VASA 1978; 7:33-37

  8. Sidi, Y., Solomon, F., Goren, G., Pinkhas, J. Subfrenic abscess simulation metastatic carcinoma.
    Rev. Roum. Med. Int. 1979; 17:187-89

  9. Giler, Sh., Zelikowski, A., Goren G., Urca, I. Aneurysm of the radial artery in a patient with Buerger’s disease.
    VASA 1979; 8:147-49

  10. Lewinstein, C., Silberman, H., Goren, G., Feinstein, E., Berne, T.V., Seifer, D. Experience with a coaxial dialysis cannula for temporary vascular access.
    Transcripts Am Soc Artif Intern Org (ASAIO) 1983; 29:357-59

  11. Goren G, Lewinstein C, Silberman H, Feinstein E, Berne TV, Seifer D, Witt R, Gonsier A: Percutaneously inserted coaxial subclavian dialysis cannula (SDC) for temporary vascular access. Transcripts ASAIO 12: 36, 1983.

  12. Lewinstein C, Goren G, Silberman H: Tenckhoff catheter (TC) placement via celiotomy.
    ASAIO 12: 54, 1983



  1. Giller, Sh., Zelikowski, A., Goren, G., Urca, I., Thrombophlebitis of the lesser saphenous vein imitating soft tissue neoplasm.
    VASA 1978; 7:185-88

  2. Goren, G. Sclerotherapy for truncal Varicosities: the single session perfusion compression method. Principles and background.
    Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Phlebological Soc. of America 1986: 60-69

  3. Goren, G. PPG/LRR for the detection of venous incompetence.
    Phlebology 1990; 5:61-62

  4. Goren, G., Yellin, A.E. Primary Varicose Veins: topographic and hemodynamic correlations.
    J. Cardio Vasc Surg 1990; 31: 672-77 also in Phlebological Digest 1991 3:22-24

  5. Goren, G. Injection sclerotherapy for varicose veins: history and effectiveness.
    Phlebology 1991; 6: 7-11

  6. Goren, G., Yellin, A.E. Surgery for truncal varicose veins: the ambulatory stab avulsion phlebectomy.
    Am J Surg 1991; 162:166-74 also published in: Year Book of Surgery 1993: 385-87

  7. Goren, G. Primary Varicose Veins: hemodynamic principles of surgical care.
    VASA 1991; 20:365-68; 
    also in: Phlebological Digest 1992 (When clicking on the link, please scroll down on the opened menu...)

  8. Goren, G. Real-time color duplex scanning following sclerotherapy of the greater saphenous vein.
    J Vasc Surg 1992; 16:497-98

  9. Goren, G. Injection sclerotherapy revisited.
    Phlebology 1992; 7:131-32

  10. Goren, G. Injection sclerotherapy re-revisited.
    Phlebology 1993; 8:91-92

  11. Goren, G. Regarding “venous ulcers and the superficial venous system”.
    J Vasc Surg 1993; 18:716-18

  12. Goren, G. Taming varicose vein surgery.
    Phlebology 1993; 8:136-38

  13. Goren, G. Invaginated PIN stripping.
    Phlebology 1994; 9:173-4

  14. Goren, G., Yellin, A.E. Invaginated axial saphenectomy by a semirigid stripper: PIN stripping.
    J Vasc Surg 1994; 20:970-77

  15. Goren, G., Yellin A.E. Invaginated axial stripping and stab avulsion phlebectomy: a definite outpatient procedure for varicose veins.
    Amb. Surg 1994; 1: 27-35

  16. Goren, G., Yellin, A.E. Minimally invasive surgery for primary varicose veins: limited invaginated axial stripping and tributary (hook) stab avulsion.
    Ann Vasc Surg 1995; 9:401-14 also summarized in Phlebology Digest 1996; 3:27-30 (When clicking on the link, scroll down on the menu)

  17. Goren, G., Yellin, A.E. Chirurgie Minimalment Invasive des Varices Essentialles:Eveinage Court par Invagination et Phlebectomie au Crochet des Collaterales.
    Annales de Chirurgie Vasculaire 1995; 9: 401-14 (French)

  18. Goren, G., Yellin A.E. Cirugia minimamente invasive de las varices esenciales: exeresis venosa por invagination y flebectomia de las colaterales mediamnte ganchillo.
    Rev. Port. da Cirurgia C.-T. e Vasc. 1995; 6:41-51 (Spanish)

  19. Goren, G. Short saphenous vein incompetence.
    Contemporary Surgery (“Practical pearls in surgery”.) 1995; 46:153

  20. Goren, G., Yellin, A.E. Hemodynamic principles of varicose vein therapy.
    Derm Surg 1996; 22: 557-60

  21. Goren, G., Yellin, A.E. Cryostripping: an alternative to (PIN) Perforate – Invaginate Stripping?
    Ann Vasc Surg 1997; 11:326-28

  22. Goren, G. Regarding “variability and credibility of air plethysmographic measurements for the evaluation of chronic venous disease”.
    J. Vasc. Surg 1998; 28:753-54

  23. Goren, G. Stripping by inversion.
    Surgical Rounds 2000; 22:574-75


Dr. GOREN'S PUBLICATIONS quoted by other authors (partial list)


  1. David J. Tibbs: VARICOSE VEINS and RELATED DISORDERS(Butterworth – Heineman 1992;)
    pp 401, 424, 439.

  2. Paul S van Bemellen, John J. Bergan: Quantitative measurements of venous Incompetence. (R. G. Landes Co. Austin,1992;)
    pp 87.

  3. John J. Bergan and Mitchel P. Goldman: Varicose Veins and Telangiectasia. Diagnosis and Treatment. (Quality Med PUBLISHING Inc. St. Louis 1993;)
    pp 68, 69, 188, 393.

  4. Jose I. Almeida and Jeffrey K. Raines The Vein Book. Chapter 27: Principles of Ambulatory Phlebectomy (Elsevier 2006;)
    pp 247.
    For a more comprehensive data please consult Google Scholar Citations:

  5. Google Scholar:




  1. Phlebological Society of America, X Annual Congress, NY 1986

  2. The IV European- American Symposium on Venous Diseases, Washington D.C. 1987;

  3. North American Society of Phlebology 1st Congress, San Diego 1988;

  4. Phlebological Society of America, XI Annual Congress, Washington, D.C., 1988;

  5. American Venous Forum, First Annual Meeting of the New Orleans, 1989;

  6. British Venous Forum, Manchester, UK, 1989;

  7. The XIX Congress of the International Cardiovascular Society, Toronto, 1989;

  8. Advances in Venous Diseases St. Mary's Hospital Symposium, London, 1989;

  9. North American Society of Phlebology, 2nd Congress, Scottsdale AZ 1990,.

  10. American Venous Forum, Second Annual Meeting, San Diego 1990;

  11. Phlebological Society of America, XII Annual Meeting of the Chicago 1990;

  12. The V European-American Symposium on venous diseases, Vienna, 1990.

  13. 2nd Annual UCLA Venous Symposium LA, 1990

  14. 3rd Annual UCLA Venous Symposium LA, 1991

  15. American Venous Forum 3rd Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale FL 1991

  16. Clinical Vascular Surgical Society Meeting, Kawai, HI April 1991,

  17. 4th Annual UCLA Venous Symposium, LA 1992

  18. 6th Bernstein Symposium on Vascular Diagnosis, San Diego 1992

  19. Advances in Cosmetic Surgery Workshop, UCLA 1992

  20. American College of Surgeons So. California Chapter, Santa Barbara, 1993

  21. The Pan Pacific Venous Symposium Maui, HI 1993

  22. European Congress of Phlebology, Budapest, Hungary September 1993.

  23. Swiss Phlebological Society, Lenzerhide, Switzerland, January 1993

  24. Paratibial fasciotomy symposium, Frankfurt, December 1993

  25. American Venous Forum Meeting Hawaii, 1994, (invited discussant)

  26. "Venen-Chirurgie-Live" workshop, Frankfurt, Germany, December 1995

  27. American Venous Forum Meeting, 1996, (invited discussant)

  28. Paratibial Fasciotomy Conference, Natters/Innsbruck Austria 1996

  29. American Venous Forum Meeting 1997, (invited discussant)

  30. Venous Meeting of Mt. Sinai Hospital NY, 1997

  31. Varady Venous Symposium, Frankfurt, 1997

  32. The Pan Pacific Venous Symposium , Hawaii, 1977

  33. Venous Meeting Mt. Sinai Hospital, NY 1999




  • Cottage Hospital, Santa Barbara, 1990

  • Kaiser Hospital, San Francisco, 1991,

  • LAC-USC Medical Center, Los Angeles, 1991

  • Tarzana Medical Center, 1991

  • Cottage Hospital, Santa Barbara, 1992

  • UC San Francisco - Mount Zion Hospital, 1993

  • Kaiser Hospital, Los Angeles, 1997


VISITED, OBSERVED, AND LEARNED from the following colleagues

"If doctors wiser than me seek to help me to understand, grant me the desire to learn from them - for the knowledge of healing is boundless" Maimonides


  • Dr. Avigdor Zelikowski, of Tel Aviv, Israel 1977

  • Dr. Ronald Dee, of Sanford CT. 1983

  • Dr. David Duffy, of Torrance, CA. 1984

  • Dr. Arnost Fronek, of La Jolla, CA

  • Dr. Peter Samuels, of Tarzana, CA. 1985

  • Dr. Joseph Sladen, of Vancouver, Canada 1986

  • Dr. Andrew Nicolaides, of London, UK 1989

  • Dr. Andreas Oesch, of Bern, Switzerland 1990 and 2010

  • Dr. Stanley Rivlin of London, UK 1991,

  • Dr. Zoltan Varady of Frankfurt, Germany 1991

  • Dr. Coleridge-Smith of London, UK 1992

  • Dr. Reinhard Fischer, of St. Gallen, Switzerland 1992 and 1966

  • Dr. Denis Creton of Nancy, France 1993

  • Dr. Schultz-Ehrenburg of Bochum, Germany

  • Dr. Jeffrey A. Klein of San Juan Capistrano, CA

  • Dr. Gerhard Sattler, of Darmstadt, Germany

  • Dr. Lefebvre-Vilardebo of Paris, France


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